Thursday, July 16, 2009

Two years in, Three more to go

I just realized today that it's almost been two years since being away from home. Still it's agonizing to think that there's still 3 more July's to come. To be honest with myself I'm actually counting down the time I have left, the years, months, days, hours, minutes and even seconds I have signed off to that squiney contract. Every heart beat is the ticking of seconds, subconsciously I quietly tell myself "it almost over, the fakes, the unhappiness, the unnecessary drama, the hollows, the workaholics, the lies and stupid worthless knowledge." Insanity might just be our only salvation.

"He makes no promise to himself, for they are easily broken, shattered and abused. Just like a burnt out cigarettes he will dispose of the promise he made to a piece of paper."

At this point in life I'm trying really hard to gasp for air.

Sunday, July 12, 2009


Blogging is the only thing that can free ones mind in the service, so today I start my blogging . I use to blog before I joined the navy, I was inspired shortly after my junior year of high school. I wanted to capture important experiences, morale, beliefs, events and people in my life, like back when I joined an Art club, I posted our awesome experience at an Art convention or when I believed posting blogs about myself on was far more superior than posting on other html websites, anyways back to intro. I'm making another blog to record the upcoming events in my experience in the service, not because I want to, but as I stated before; "Blogging is the only thing that can free ones mind in the service". The truth is kept hidden but the military is based off another form of government, which has cheap laws probably hence the time it was glorified on crap paper written by some stinky animal's feather. These laws were supposed to unify men who sworn oath to a nation to protect its other laws and its soils and the future gain of dirt, and guided by an invisible man who people still question; "does he really exists?". Propaganda about the military is highly elaborated. Truth be told it's pretty much a secret society within a society, or a government within a government, a much better metaphor is the opposite of "the matrix" instead of being a free Neo; fighting evil dominating machines from the real world, you are un-freed Neo; stuck in his battery cell still wondering "why doesn't this feel right?". My intention of this blog is to just relieve stress in the service and just hope to make it out alive, i hope you enjoy my blog as a reader, and thank you for listening.
Blogging is the only thing that can free ones mind in the service